Alf Gerlach
Publications on Chinese topics
(As the copyright is usually held by a publisher, please contact me at if you are interested in a single article)
Veröffentlichungen zu chinesischen Themen
(Da das Copyright in der Regel bei einem Verlag liegt, bitte ich bei Interesse an einem einzelnen Artikel um Kontaktaufnahme unter )
Books as Publisher
- Elzer, M. und Gerlach, A. (Hrsg): Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. A Handbook. London: Karnac 2014
- mit Varvin, S. und Hooke, M.T. (Hrsg): Psychoanalysis in Asia. China, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan. London: Karnac 2013
Book articles
- Collective castration anxieties: an ethnopsychoanalytic perspective on relations between the sexes in China. In: Scharff, D.E., Varvin, S. (ed): Psychoanalysis in China. London 2014, 99-110
- mit Varvin, S.: The development of psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in China. In: Scharff, D.E., Varvin, S. (ed): Psychoanalysis in China. London 2014, 189-195
- German psychoanalysts in China and the start of group psychotherapy work. In: Scharff, D.E., Varvin, S. (ed): Psychoanalysis in China. London 2014, 216-224
- The mechanisms of defence. In: M. Elzer, A. Gerlach (Hrsg): Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. A Handbook. London 2014
- mit Varvin, Sverre (2011): Development of psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in China. In: Loewenberg, Peter & Thompson, Nellie L. (HG.): 100 Years of the IPA. The Centenary History of the International Psychoanalytical Association, 356-365, London 2011
- Psychoanalysis Training in China. In: Tseng, Wen-Shing: Congress Proceedings of the First World Congress of Cultural Psychiatry. Shanghai 2006, S-V-42, 1-6
- China. In: P. Kutter (Hrsg.), Psychoanalysis international, vol. II, S. 94- 102, Stuttgart 1995.
Journal articles
- “Zhong De Ban” (German–Chinese class): training in psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy at the Shanghai Mental Health Center. In: Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China, 4, 210–220. doi: 10.33212/ppc.v4n2.2021.210
- The abortion of female foetuses and the killing of newborn girls in China—the power of unconscious phantasies. In: Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China, 2020, Vol. 3(2), 221–229
- Psychoanalysis and the Understanding of Chinese Life Experience. In: Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China, 2016, Vol. 2, 51-59
- Book Review: A Cultural Approach to Discourse, by Shi-xu. In: Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China, 2015, Vol. 1, 169-174
- The Transgenerational Impact of Collective Trauma – a Psychotherapeutic View. Topique. Revue Freudienne, 2011, 117, 197-204
- mit Varvin, S. (2011): Development of psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in China. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 8, 261-267
- Fascination, alienation and fear of contact: Ethnopsychoanalytic considerations on large-group identity. International Forum of Psychoanalysis 2009, 18: 4, 214 — 218
Ulrich Sollmann
Publications in English on Chinese topics or topics relevant to my work in China.
(Some contributions are available as PDF. Others I ask you to request from me if you are interested because of the non-existing copyright:
Veröffentlichungen auf Englisch zu chinesischen Themen bzw. Themen, die in meiner Arbeit in China relevant sind
(Einige Beiträge sind als PDF verfügbar. Andere bitte ich Sie, wegen des nicht vorhandenen Copyrights bei Interesse bei mir anzufragen:
- The body can heal itself in trauma: concept and practical exercises
- Sollmann, U. (2022) Mental state and Life Experience of Chinese Students in Germany: An Explorative Study. International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture. 19.07.2022. - Sollmann, U., Chen, H., Wu, J., Wang, Y., Lin, M., Xudong, Z. (2021a) Content analysis of the experience reports of Chinese students after their return from Germany to China. European Journal of Chinese Studies Winter Issue (2021)
- Sollmann, U. (2021b) Book Review on Two Helpful and Well-Written guidebooks on the Corona Pandemic. International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture. 19.07.2021. S. 164-166. - Sollmann, U. (2021c) (Self-) Experience and (Self-) Support as a Body Psychotherapist in the Time of Corona: An Essay. International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture. 18.05.2022. S. 93-100. - Sollmann, U., Feihuan, C. (2021d) Exposed to Extreme Psychological Stress during the Corona Crisis; Qualitative Metasynthesis of Chinese Research on the Psychological Burden of Medical Treatment Personnel. International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture. 26.04.2021. S. 78-84. - Sollmann, U. (2020a) „Independent Self“ and „Interdependent Self”, Reflections on the reference to the body perspective in psychotherapy and psychosomatics in China. TMR Journal. 20.12.2020.
- Sollmann, U. (2020b) Practice and Method of Ethics II. International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture. 15.11.2020. S. 110-118. - Feihuan, C., Sollmann, U. (2020c) The Association between Stress and Illness Anxiety during the Corona-Virus Outbreak in China in 2019. International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture. 02.06.2020. S. 37-43. - Sollmann, U. (2020d) The ambiguity of the psychological limitations of globalization Or: an uncanny cocktail of viruses. International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture. 16.04.2020. S. 8-14. - Sollmann, U. (2019) (Body) Psychotherapy Regarding Tension between Professionalization, Occupationalization and Professional Ethics. International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture. 17.03.2019. S. 3-13. - Sollmann, U. (2018) Integration of Psychotherapy (Schools) in China (Retrospect to the Panel at the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Association of Mental Health, Beijing, August 2016). International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture. 13.01.2018. S. 61-66. - Sollmann, U., Li, W., Haojie, W. (2017) Body-to-Body-Communication and Somatoform Disorder in China: A Case Study Regarding Culture and Gender. International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture. 11.08.2017. S. 87-102 - Sollmann, U., Li, W. (2015) Transcultural Case Study, First Interview with a Chinese Client. International Body Psychotherapy Journal. Volume 14. Nr.2 fall 2015. pp. 109-127.
Kurt Fritzsche
Training in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy for medical doctors in China: A field report
Wei J, Fritzsche K, Shi L, Cao J, Bassler M, Müller A-M, Zhang Y, Lüdemann H-T and Leonhart R (2023) Training in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy for medical doctors in China: A field report. Front. Med. 10:1119505. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1119505
Ma D, Lu W, Fritzsche K, Toussaint AC, Li T, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Chen H, Wu H, Ma X, Li W, Ren J, Leonhart R, Cao J and Wei J (2023) Differences in psychometric characteristics of outpatients with somatic symptom disorder from general hospital biomedical (neurology/ gastroenterology), traditional Chinese medicine, and psychosomatic settings. Front. Psychiatry 14:1205824. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1205824
Ma D, Cao, J, Wei J, Fritzsche K, Toussaint A, Li T, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Chen H, Wu H, Ma X, Li W, Ren J, Lu W and Leonhart R (2023). The distribution of somatic symptom disorder and bodily distress syndrome in general hospital outpatients in China: A multicenter cross-sectional study. General Hospital Psychiatry, 85, 171-176. DOI=10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2023.10.017.
Wang Y, Li L, Huang L, Ma J, Zheng L, Fritzsche K, Leonhart R, Toussaint A, Schaefert R, Zhang L (2023) Integrative group psychotherapy for patients with somatic symptom disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Psychiatry Research doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115660
Wu H, Manglike A, Chen Y, Liu Z, Fritzsche K, Lu Z. Scoping review update on somatic symptom disorder that includes additional Chinese data. Gen Psychiatr. 2023 Jun 9;36(3):e100942. doi: 10.1136/gpsych-2022-100942. PMID: 37337547; PMCID: PMC10277133.
Xiong N-N, Fan T-T, Liu Q, Fritzsche K, Leonhart R, Stein B, Waller C and Müller MM (2023) Burnout, emotional distress and sleep quality among Chinese psychiatric healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a follow-up study. Front. Public Health 11:1272074. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1272074
Xiong, N., Fritzsche, K., Pan, Y. et al. The psychological impact of COVID-19 on Chinese healthcare workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 57, 1515–1529 (2022).
Sonstige Literatur
Various publications in English
Here you can find more literature from various DACP members or Chinese colleagues who are strongly connected to DCAP work
Hier finden Sie weitere Literatur von verschiedenen DACP-Mitgliedern oder chinesischen Kolleg*innen, die der DCAP Arbeit stark verbunden sind.
- Cui Feihuan, Sollmann, U. (2019) The Association between Stress and Illness Anxiety during the Corona-Virus Outbreak in China in 2019, in IJBMC, Vol. 7, Nr 1: 2020, p 37 ff - Li, J. et al (2022) Prevalence of DSM‐5 somatic symptom disorder in Chinese patients with breast cancer in Psycho Oncolgy, 2022, 1-11 p 1 ff - Xiong, N. et al (2022) The psychological impact of COVID-19 on Chinese healthcare workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis, in: Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2022; 57(8): 1515–1529. - Zhang Ying, et al
Perceived professional development of Chinese psychotherapy trainees: a pilot study
Zhang 2022. Perceived professional Development of Chinese Psychotherapy Trainees
- Cui Feihuan, Sollmann, U. (2019) The Association between Stress and Illness Anxiety during the Corona-Virus Outbreak in China in 2019, in IJBMC, Vol. 7, Nr 1: 2020, p 37 ff